
The following tables provide a summary of the ASC’s performance against the deliverables and key performance indicators as set out for Outcome 2 in the PBS.

Table 10: ASC performance against Outcome 2 deliverables




Provide targeted investment in NSOs to assist with the delivery of programmes aligned to their Australia’s Winning Edge targets


38 NSOs were funded to implement high performance plans in 2014–15.

Provide high performance consultation that assists NSOs with strategy, high performance planning, and programme delivery to increase the likelihood of Australia achieving sustainable high performance success


Throughout 2014–15 the ASC provided ongoing high performance advice to Australia’s Winning Edge funded sports using evidence-based assessment and biannual sport performance reviews:

  • Biannual reviews were conducted in October 2014 and April 2015 that included the Annual Sport Performance Review with each Australia’s Winning Edge funded sport.
  • Rio mid Olympic cycle reviews were also conducted with all Australia’s Winning Edge Olympic foundation sports to provide feedback on strategy and planning for the Rio Games.

Implement innovative and customised high performance system solutions to optimise athlete, coach and leader talent


112 high performance coaches and leaders were supported through the AIS Centre for Performance Coaching and Leadership across the:

  • Performance Coach programme
  • Podium Coach programme
  • Performance Leader programme.

Ensure that the right athletes get the right support at the right time by planning, coordinating and delivering expertise for Australia’s Winning Edge funded NSOs and athletes


AIS sports science and sport medicine support was provided to targeted athletes as identified by NSOs.

Support provided includes:

  • biomechanics
  • medical
  • nutrition
  • physiotherapy
  • physiological
  • performance recovery
  • psychological.

Support innovative solutions for prioritised NSOs and promoting growth of new knowledge and expertise for high performance sport


The ASC delivered three major national high performance research programmes during 2014-15, being:

  • Competitive Innovation Fund
  • High Performance Sport Research
  • Research into Action.