Performance summary

The ASC has made strong progress against the priorities set out in the 2015-19 Corporate Plan and 2015-16 Annual Operational Plan, delivering on our purpose to strengthen Australian sport. The majority of deliverables and performance indicators across the Win, Play and Thrive pillars were successfully completed, with a small number of projects delayed to better align with strategic priorities.

The 2016 Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games represent a major milestone for high performance sport and the continued implementation of Australia’s Winning Edge initiatives to support preparations remains a key focus for the AIS. Australian athletes have demonstrated success on the world stage during the reporting period and high performance investment and innovation projects through the AIS are laying the foundations for long term and sustainable success.

The ASC has successfully delivered key projects under Play.Sport.Australia., including the launch of Sporting Schools and AusPlay and the provision of support to NSOs to build capability. These initiatives are helping to enable more people to play sport more often.

The ASC has made significant progress to strengthen our capability through the delivery of the Perform pillar, introduced for the first time in 2015-16. There have been a number of achievements to continue to build our high performing organisation. Our focus in 2015-16 was on supporting the business across Win, Play and Thrive pillars and responding to their emerging strategic priorities. As a result, some deliverables have been rescheduled for 2016-17 to ensure the relevant strategy and operational elements are known to appropriately inform the projects.