
More Participation



AusPlay Survey

AusPlay is the single-source participation data currency for the Government and the sport sector to help better understand the participation landscape and identify strategies to grow participation. Sector engagement with AusPlay is increasing with Government, states and NSOs working closely with the ASC to make the most of its rich data and insights. AusPlay has been in field since October 2015. About 400 interviews are conducted every week. The ASC has committed to updating AusPlay data every six months with the next release scheduled for October 2017 (based on 2016–17 financial year fieldwork data).

Sporting Schools

The Sporting Schools program is a $160 million Australian Government initiative designed to help schools increase children’s participation in sport and to connect them with community sporting opportunities. In 2016–17 the program continued to grow with over 7,000 schools registered with the program representing 83 per cent of all primary, combined and special schools across Australia. This led to the ASC achieving the target of 5,760 funded schools in May 2017. Each term the program funds approximately 3,000 schools to connect with more than 30 NSOs to deliver sport before, during and after school hours. Importantly, this has resulted in more than 300,000 primary school students participating in sport activities through Sporting Schools each term. The program continues to attract high satisfaction ratings from schools with 93 per cent of participating schools either very satisfied or satisfied with the program as a whole.

Physical Literacy Project

The Physical Literacy project was established to define physical literacy and bring a common language and approach to the concept. In June 2016, the ASC engaged 14 Australian and international researchers to develop an Australian Physical Literacy Definition and Standard which provides a framework for Australians to use to support lifelong participation in sport and physical activity. By defining physical literacy, all sectors have a common language to use as they seek to counteract the decline in movement and support an increase in participation across sport, physical activity and recreation. The Standard supports parents, teachers and coaches to help children learn the skills that build physical literacy from a young age.