Play Well

Australia's Sport participation strategy logo
Australia's Sport
Participation Strategy

Our Vision

Everyone has a place in sport.

Our Mission

We will create safe, welcoming, inclusive and fun sporting experiences achieved through six priority areas:

1. Empowering People and Organisations
Building the capability of people and organisations to meet the needs of everyone involved in sport.
2. Driving Lifelong Involvement
Foster a sporting environment that enables positive lifelong involvement in sport.
3. Activating Places and Spaces
Creating, improving, activating and better managing places and spaces to ensure everyone can have safe and enjoyable sporting experiences.
4. Building Connections
Creating a connected and collaborative sport ecosystem that supports all organisations to provide quality sporting experiences.
5. Equitable Access
Prioritising equity and choice to ensure all Australians can access sport.
6. Transforming Culture
Transforming the culture of sport in Australia to create an environment where everyone can access safe, inclusive, welcoming and fun experiences.

Industry Developed

Co-design was a central element in development of the Play Well Strategy. It has allowed us to address the unique challenges and opportunities in our sporting landscape and foster greater engagement and participation in sport across the nation.

Our co-design journey included the activities below.

Literature review
Desktop review of global strategies and relevant literature.
Project steering group
Oversight group from diverse range of backgrounds
Three face to face workshops and regular process meetings.
Public survey
Public survey with 6,600 responses providing valuable insights into the sporting.
National roadshows
Eight workshops held across Australia with almost 500 people attending.
Priority area working groups
40+ experts working to build priority areas of the Strategy.
Co-Design session
Workshop with key industry stakeholders to finalise key elements of the Strategy
Refinement and Finalisation
Test key elements of the strategy with stakeholders across the country.
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