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Feedback and Complaints

Submit your feedback

Your Feedback

The Australian Sports Commission welcome your feedback and complaints. The purpose of this form is to collect information from our customers about their interaction with our programs and services, and provide a resolution where sought.

Your feedback informs business improvement opportunities and further enhances the quality of our programs and services. Feedback and Complaints help us to refine and improve our policies, processes and systems.

Feedback can be a compliment, criticism, comment or suggestion where a response is not expected.

A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction made about the way we do business, our employees or our facilities, services, programs and products, where a response or resolution is sought, expected or legally required.

Providing Feedback

You can provide feedback to us in a number of ways.


Submit your feedback.



Send us your feedback by post to:

Australian Sports Commission
Attention: Feedback and Complaints
Leverrier Street
Bruce ACT 2617

You are not required to provide your name or contact details as anonymous feedback is permitted. However, if you wish to receive a response, you must provide a valid email address.

Out of Scope

Sport or sport organisation

The Australian Sports Commission do not handle complaints related to the operation of sport organisations, clubs or associations.

Make a complaint concerning a sport or sport organisation.

Sport Integrity

Sport Integrity Australia can receive information that relates to Doping, Child Safeguarding or Discrimination in sport. This includes through the Confidential Reporting Scheme, where you can submit information anonymously to Sport Integrity Australia.

Make an integrity complaint or report.

Support Services

Public Interest Disclosure

The ASC encourages the disclosure of information about actual or suspected wrongdoing and protects and supports people who make disclosures, ensuring that disclosures are appropriated investigated and acted upon.

Web: Public Interest Disclosure

Sexual Misconduct

The ASC has zero tolerance for sexual misconduct and for any behaviour that puts the wellbeing of people in the Australian sporting community at risk. Accordingly, we are committed to providing support and care for anyone impacted by sexual misconduct while under the ASC’s care (current or past).

Phone: 1800 272 4357
Web: Responding to Sexual Misconduct


All ASC employees and users of ASC or AIS facilities are subject to the ASC Anti-Doping Policy.

The ASC will handle any complaints related to any allegation, concern or disclosure relating to an anti -doping rule violation in accordance with the ASC Anti-Doping Policy.

Web: ASC Anti-Doping
Policy: Policy download


The ASC is committed to preventing, and where possible, eliminating fraud. Our focus is on fraud prevention and ensuring that when fraud occurs, it is rapidly detected, effectively investigated and prosecuted appropriately.

If you know, or suspect, that fraud has been committed against ASC, please lodge a report

Web: Reporting fraud

Protecting your Privacy

Your privacy is protected under the Privacy Act 1988.

Your feedback

The information you provide is used to, acknowledge our strengths, improve and maintain our programs and services, and/or investigate and respond to your complaint. The information will be provided to the business area to which the feedback relates. We will not disclose any confidential information without first obtaining your consent, unless the information is required by legislation to be provided to regulatory agencies, for example police, child protection agencies or Sport Integrity Australia.

Your personal information

Your personal information will be handled in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in Schedule 1 of the Privacy Act 1988 which regulates how our agency must handle and manage personal information, including sensitive information.

Further information can be found in our ASC Privacy Policy.

Child or Athlete Safety

If the matter relates to the safety of a child and they are in imminent danger, contact the Police immediately. You may also report to state and territory based child protection agencies.

All feedback in relation to child and athlete safety will be forwarded to our Safeguarding and Integrity Team for review and support.

After you have lodged Feedback


If you provide feedback to express a compliment, criticism, comment or suggestion about our programs and services an automated acknowledgement response will be generated. A formal response will not be provided.


We aim to acknowledge your complaint within two working days, unless anonymous,. All complaints, where contact details have been provided, will receive a final written determination, usually within 28 days.

If your matter is complex it might take longer to resolve. If this is the case, an interim response may be provided to you.

If you are dissatisfied with how a complaint has been handled or the resolution provided by our agency, a request to can be made to have the complaint escalated. Where a request for escalation has been received, we will conduct an independent internal review of the handling of the complaint.

Submit your feedback

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