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Application and screening process

Appoint volunteers with ease with a clear application and screening process

Application process

Having a clear process for appointing volunteers will help support your club in appointing the right person for the role/task. Your application and selection process should be flexible to align with the role you are recruiting whilst also ensuring volunteers meet minimum requirements.

Ensure the role is advertised with a clear expectation of the tasks required, there is a timeline for the application, a contact for any questions and a clear description of how to apply.

Sample application process:

  1. Understand what tasks/roles may need a formal application process
  2. Develop a position description (see how to develop a position description)
  3. Advertise the role through various channels (see how to advertise a role)
  4. Provide application form with the advertisement with clear selection criteria
  5. Screen applications (see below)


Screening your volunteers

Screening volunteers is an important step to ensure you provide a safe and fun environment for your members.

Screening helps a club by:

  • Creating and maintaining a safe environment
  • Identifies skills and experience of the applicant
  • Identify any risks which may be associated with appointments
  • Provides an opportunity to get to know the applicant
  • Enables clubs to perform reference checks

Once applications are received:

  1. Make sure they meet the criteria.
  2. Conduct interviews where appropriate. Not all roles require interviews but putting time aside to interview for larger and more influential roles will help ensure you find the right fit for the role
  3. Conduct all required background checks (Working with children, police, qualification)
  4. Check references provided by the applicant
  5. Ensure all codes of conduct are provided
Resources Volunteer selection template VicSport/Volunteering Victoria Volunteer checks template VicSport/Volunteering Victoria Volunteer Interview template Cricket Australia Volunteer reference check Cricket Australia
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