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Find a Sport Volunteer Job Without volunteers, Australian sport wouldn’t exist. Volunteers are the backbone of local sporting clubs, freely contributing their time and knowledge for the benefit of their sport as well as the participants, their families and the local community. At its heart, volunteering is about helping others. Volunteering in sport has many benefits, it can create a sense of belonging, connect communities, can improve physical and mental health, all whilst enjoying the fun of sport. Everyone can participate in volunteering, whether you are connected or not connected to the sport, young or old, people from all walks of life can realise opportunities to contribute to individual, club and community goals in a way that best suits. Looking for some inspiration? Read more about real life sport volunteering stories. How to find a Volunteer role? Places to start your volunteering journey in sport: SEEK Volunteer Go Volunteer Or contact the Volunteering Peak Body in your State or Territory: Volunteering ACT The Centre for Volunteering NSW Volunteering Queensland Volunteering SA & NT Volunteering Tasmania Volunteering Victoria Volunteering WA
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