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Module 1 - Safeguarding in sport

Protecting adults and children in sport

Module 2 - Who you coach

Engaging participants

Module 3 - Where you coach

Space, equipment and facilities

  • Concussion in Sport Australia | Sport Australia – information and resources on concussion in sport.
  • COVID Safe Sport | Sport Australia - Sport Australia, in partnership with the State and Territory Agencies for Sport and Recreation have compiled a list of websites with the most up to date information to help sporting organisations undertake competitions and programs in a safe, responsible, and low risk manner.

Module 4 - What you coach

Session planning

Module 5 - How you connect


Module 6 - How you engage

Stakeholder management

Module 7 - How you deliver

Group management

Module 8 - How you improve

Self-reflection and assessment

  • Coaching plan template - create your own personalised coaching plan as you progress through the Essential Skills Course.
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